Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Lions are a well known animal in our house and greatly discussed. Recently the DC Zoo has announced and shared the new 7 lion cubs. In looking at some of the released pictures & some recent events, I came to the realization that I am a lioness, and our family is truly like a pride of lions.

There are many things we know about lions, but specifically from Wikipedia and here are a few facts:

1. Lionesses are the core members of, and the primary hunters for each pride - This is the main reason for this comparison as recently I realized that moms are the primary grocery shoppers. We plan (or pick at the last minute) meals and shop for the food to make said meal. The main difference I see here is usually the cubs (kids) are with us as we hunt (shop).

2. Highly distinctive, the male lion is easily recognized by its mane, and its face is one of the most widely recognized animal symbols in human culture. - This ranges from scruffy beards that literally looks like a mane to the reverse of bald/balding. Hopefully the look of a dad if very different from a mom, but there are times my hair might be mistaken for a crazy mane.

3. They (lionesses) act as a co-ordinated group in order to stalk and bring down the prey successfully.- When our family gets together with others if the moms do not coordinate, I have NO idea where we would end up, IF we would eat, and I'm sure there wouldn't be an extra diaper for the explosion that is destined to occur.

4. The males associated with a pride tend to stay on the fringes, patrolling their territory. Why sociality—the most pronounced in any cat species—has developed in lionesses is the subject of much debate. - Seriously? The lioness has to be the social one! If she is a homemaker like myself, the only adult interaction comes in social interaction/events.

5. Both males and females defend the pride against intruders. Some individual lions consistently lead the defense against intruders -I love how protective my husband is of our kids. He really is the head Lion in all his majesty. However, there are times that the "Momma Lion" (or Momma Bear as some know it) comes out, claws and all.

6. Lions have an array of facial expressions and body postures that serve as visual gestures. - Again with "The Look" (refer to previous entry Meerkat)

*You do see that cub about to bounce on a peaceful set of parents - This is truly a picture worth a thousand words. If I ever have a moment of peace like this...I know this is what is about to happen too.*

When I struggle on my role I need to remember that God's word tells us that He is the Lion and the Lamb. If I have accepted Jesus as my sacrifice (The Lamb), then I need to make sure to let God be the Lion of our Pride (family/life).

There are days that I look like a Lion, but at the heart I am a Lioness. (Watch out groceries, here I come...)

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